Facade/entrance in Gran Hotel Argentino

Gran Hotel Argentino


Gran Hotel Argentinoへようこそ。ここはブエノスアイレスの中心で快適さと手頃な価格が出会う場所です!活気ある市中心部からわずか0.4マイルの距離にあるこの3つ星の宝石は、情熱的なタンゴ文化に飛び込み、周囲の美味しい料理を味わうことをお勧めします。価格は手頃な$23から始まり、タンゴショーやステーキディナーをもっと楽しむことができます!

中に入ると、フレンドリーな24時間対応のフロントデスクスタッフがあなたの新しい家 away from homeを歓迎してくれます。各防音室は、探索の一日を終えた後の平和な夜の睡眠を約束し、エアコン完備で涼しく保たれます。そして、無料Wi-Fiと素敵なパティオを利用するのをお忘れなく—朝のコーヒーや冒険後のリラックスに最適な場所です!約7,500件の高評価のレビューがあり、ゲストはGran Hotel Argentinoが提供する快適さと便利さの完璧な組み合わせについて絶賛しています。

カルロス・ペレグリーニ37に便利に位置するこのホテルは、息をのむような景色と待ち受けるスリリングな体験へのアクセスを提供します。空港シャトルオプション(追加料金あり)や冒険を計画するための便利なツアーデスクなどのサービスがあり、すべての旅行ニーズがカバーされています。さあ、荷物をまとめて、Gran Hotel Argentinoでの忘れられない体験に備えましょう—あなたのブラジルの冒険はここから始まります!

Bedroom, Bed in Gran Hotel Argentino
Bedroom, Bed in Gran Hotel Argentino


Double Room in Gran Hotel Argentino


1 ダブルベッド


160 平方フィート






Twin Room in Gran Hotel Argentino


2 シングルベッド


160 平方フィート

ルーム - ツインベッド2台





Junior Suite in Gran Hotel Argentino


1 ダブルベッド


270 平方フィート







Gran Hotel Argentinoに落ち着くと、ブエノスアイレスでの滞在を忘れられないものにする快適さと魅力の融合を体験する準備を整えましょう。各部屋はあなたの快適さを考慮して設計されており、静かな夜のための防音対策とアルゼンチンの暑さを和らげるためのエアコンが備わっています。広々としたジュニアスイートの居心地の良いクイーンベッドを選ぶか、柔軟性のあるスーペリアオプションを選ぶかにかかわらず、街を探索した後に待っている安らぎの場所を見つけることができます。そして、予算を気にするジェットセッターのために、エコノミーの共用バスルームオプションは、財布に優しい価格で質と快適さを提供します!

現代的なアメニティと温かくフレンドリーな雰囲気を兼ね備えたGran Hotel Argentinoは、社交的な体験を求める旅行者にとっての夢の場所です。あなたの冒険はドアのすぐ外で続きます!素敵なパティオで活力を与えるコーヒーを飲みながら、日々の計画を立てて朝をスタートさせましょう。ホテルのツアーデスクは、街の隠れた宝石や象徴的な名所を発見する手助けをする準備が整っています。歴史的な地区への旅行や、街の名物料理を味わうことなど、次の刺激的なブエノスアイレスの体験まで、常に一歩近づいています。

Facade/entrance in Gran Hotel Argentino
Facade/entrance in Gran Hotel Argentino


さらに、現金から主要なクレジットカードまで、誰にでも対応するさまざまな支払いオプションがあるため、ストレスのない休暇を簡単に実現できます。観光で一日を過ごした後は、豪華なデラックス2ベッドルームアパートメントで愛する人たちとくつろぐか、共有ドミトリーで居心地の良いマットレスをつかんでリラックスしてください。すべてのサイズのグループに対応するために設計された多くの部屋タイプがあるため、Gran Hotel Argentinoは笑い声、深夜の議論、共有の物語で満ちた思い出に残る滞在を保証します。さあ、ブエノスアイレスのリズムに飛び込んで、日々の終わりに素敵な隠れ家が待っていることを知ってください!

Bed in Gran Hotel Argentino
Bed in Gran Hotel Argentino










Bathroom in Gran Hotel Argentino
Bathroom in Gran Hotel Argentino
Gran Hotel Argentino
Location, location, location. It Exceeded my expectations, especially for the price I paid for my four day stay in Buenos Aires. The building looks old, like the whole entire city, but every building has character, and brings to mind what this city would have looked like while it was considered one of the richest countries in the world, if not the richest , decades ago. Nonetheless, the new buildings blend in nicely with the old parts of town. Its architecture reminded me of France, and Barcelona. Going back to the building, the shower worked great, hot water works instantly, no need to wait for it to heat up. Clean towels every day, toiletries replenished daily. I also took advantage of the 21% discount I got while paying with credit card. I would recommend this hotel to anyone with a budget, without having to cut corners.


The location is wonderful and within walking distance of many sites in Buenos Aires! I didn't use the subway or a taxi until a few days into my stay because I could walk to many places from the hotel. The room was spacious and there is a grocery store a few doors down the street from the hotel, on the corner, that is open 24/7. The staff were helpful and there is hot water available in the lobby.


Location is not only good practically, but very notable itself: on the crossing of Av. Rivadavia and Av. 9 De Julio, from which the former is the longest street in the world, and the latter is the widest street in the world. There are lots of shops and cafes in the neghbourhood. So, the location is just perfect. In general, the hotel is very good for its price. Internet worked brilliantly.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. For a surcharge we could stay in the room longer. Free water in the lobby. We stayed at this property twice. The second room was more expensive, but much nicer with amazing view. I would say it was worth paying 10 € more for the better room.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. We were allowed to check out 2 hours after check out time. Spacious room with amazing view over 9 July avenue! Free water in the lobby. We stayed at the property twice. It is worth paying 10 EUR more for a better room with amazing view.


Location, location, location. It Exceeded my expectations, especially for the price I paid for my four day stay in Buenos Aires. The building looks old, like the whole entire city, but every building has character, and brings to mind what this city would have looked like while it was considered one of the richest countries in the world, if not the richest , decades ago. Nonetheless, the new buildings blend in nicely with the old parts of town. Its architecture reminded me of France, and Barcelona. Going back to the building, the shower worked great, hot water works instantly, no need to wait for it to heat up. Clean towels every day, toiletries replenished daily. I also took advantage of the 21% discount I got while paying with credit card. I would recommend this hotel to anyone with a budget, without having to cut corners.


The location is wonderful and within walking distance of many sites in Buenos Aires! I didn't use the subway or a taxi until a few days into my stay because I could walk to many places from the hotel. The room was spacious and there is a grocery store a few doors down the street from the hotel, on the corner, that is open 24/7. The staff were helpful and there is hot water available in the lobby.


Location is not only good practically, but very notable itself: on the crossing of Av. Rivadavia and Av. 9 De Julio, from which the former is the longest street in the world, and the latter is the widest street in the world. There are lots of shops and cafes in the neghbourhood. So, the location is just perfect. In general, the hotel is very good for its price. Internet worked brilliantly.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. For a surcharge we could stay in the room longer. Free water in the lobby. We stayed at this property twice. The second room was more expensive, but much nicer with amazing view. I would say it was worth paying 10 € more for the better room.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. We were allowed to check out 2 hours after check out time. Spacious room with amazing view over 9 July avenue! Free water in the lobby. We stayed at the property twice. It is worth paying 10 EUR more for a better room with amazing view.


Location, location, location. It Exceeded my expectations, especially for the price I paid for my four day stay in Buenos Aires. The building looks old, like the whole entire city, but every building has character, and brings to mind what this city would have looked like while it was considered one of the richest countries in the world, if not the richest , decades ago. Nonetheless, the new buildings blend in nicely with the old parts of town. Its architecture reminded me of France, and Barcelona. Going back to the building, the shower worked great, hot water works instantly, no need to wait for it to heat up. Clean towels every day, toiletries replenished daily. I also took advantage of the 21% discount I got while paying with credit card. I would recommend this hotel to anyone with a budget, without having to cut corners.


The location is wonderful and within walking distance of many sites in Buenos Aires! I didn't use the subway or a taxi until a few days into my stay because I could walk to many places from the hotel. The room was spacious and there is a grocery store a few doors down the street from the hotel, on the corner, that is open 24/7. The staff were helpful and there is hot water available in the lobby.


Location is not only good practically, but very notable itself: on the crossing of Av. Rivadavia and Av. 9 De Julio, from which the former is the longest street in the world, and the latter is the widest street in the world. There are lots of shops and cafes in the neghbourhood. So, the location is just perfect. In general, the hotel is very good for its price. Internet worked brilliantly.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. For a surcharge we could stay in the room longer. Free water in the lobby. We stayed at this property twice. The second room was more expensive, but much nicer with amazing view. I would say it was worth paying 10 € more for the better room.


Great location on the main avenue in the heart of Buenos Aires. Tourist attractions, shops and places to eat nearby. Good value for money. We were allowed to check out 2 hours after check out time. Spacious room with amazing view over 9 July avenue! Free water in the lobby. We stayed at the property twice. It is worth paying 10 EUR more for a better room with amazing view.



Carlos Pellegrini 37, Buenos Aires, CP1009, アルゼンチン

Gran Hotel Argentino